Saturday 28 April 2012

Film: Beetlejuice

I'm going to keep this post short as I am really tired and it's hard writing these blogs and finding the time to do it! Anyhow, I will try not to give too much away for those who have not seen it...

Adam and Barbara are a normal couple...who happen to be dead. They have given their precious time to decorate the house and make it their own, but unfortunately a family is moving in, and not quietly. Adam and Barbara try to scare them out, but ends up becoming the main attraction to the money making family. They call upon Beetlejuice to help, but Beetlejuice has more in mind than just helping. - Source: IMDB

Beetlejuice is just one of them films that you watch and then have no idea why you bothered to watch it in the first place. It's somehow managed to earn itself a 'cult' status amongst its fans and I am still wondering why. I wrote plenty of notes down during this but I would like to keep this blog a blog that kids can read to so most of my notes can't be typed up due to the swearing (sorry). The acting in this film was good, until the supporting cast appeared. Michael Keaton (Beetlegeuse) seemed to give it all his effort in this film and so did Alex Baldwin (Adam) and Geena Davis (Barbara), but when it came to the rest of the cast there was no realism - not that the film was realistic in any way. The Gothic daughter, Lydia (Winona Ryder), deserved to be shot repeatedly for her awful acting and dreadful delivery of lines. I genuinely hoped they died at the beginning of the film so that it would finish, to then find out they did actually die and had ruined the film by making them ghosts (yes, I know that this is the whole point of the film!). 

I feel as though they were stuck for ideas when making this film as there was far to many stupid actions from the characters. Such as when they tried things like drawing a door, you would have to be pretty idiotic to do that rather than just simply calling for Beetlegeuse, which would then mean we get more of his comedy lines that made the film worth watching. Of course, this is a film so therefore it's fantasy land where everyone is a complete idiot.  Another thing I get all picky about in films is continuity errors. For those who do not know what these are, in basic terms they are what makes the film flow so it looks as natural as possible. This film is full of them! Most of these consist of things being put in one place and then after a different camera shot they have suddenly moved to somewhere else for no apparent reason. There are far too many to talk about so if you want to read them click here. One more thing I get really stressed about is the sets. Now I know Beetleguese's home is meant to be a model, but they could of spent a bit more money on making it look somewhat realistic. The set was moving far too much when an actor did something like digging mud, which happened to be some weird cardboard stuff and the fake sponge grass they had, which for another $300 they could have got some real turf.

A few final things to wrap this up as I promised it would be short - I lied. The thing that got me, is that it is a 15 rated film but it took 45 minutes for someone to swear - and that happened to be 'f**k (sorry!). The claymation looked awful and didn't fit in with the film at all as it looked too tacky. And finally, the girl threatening to commit suicide was probably one of the most exciting parts of the film - I probably will regret saying that but sadly it's true.

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