Thursday 5 April 2012


Right, I'm sitting here and it's now Thursday morning. If it hadn't been for a post on Facebook, I wouldn't be writing this now. I liked a Facebook group called 'Sooty Sweep and Soo' to show my like for a puppet that I grew up with, seems a bit stupid I know but I am proud to say I watched Sooty as a child!

Apparently there has been a new series of Sooty and I've done a bit of research to find out that this is true! Now I grew up watching Matthew Corbett with his variation 'Sooty and Co.' Most Sooty fans who were born in the 90's (as I was) grew up with this show. We were then given 'Sooty Heights' which Richard Cadell took Sooty off Matthew's hands so to speak. Richard now apparently owns the rights Sooty and has made a new series for children of this current decade to enjoy.

Now to start with, I was a bit skeptical as to whether or not it would be successful but as far as I can make out, it is! The premise of the show is that it's now set on a holiday park and has all the usual mischief and mayhem that we all knew and loved. Of course, the show is not funny any more and this is because I am of course too old for the childish humour (and maybe because I only watched two episodes on YouTube). However, one episode named 'Chocco Chimp' features a cameo that was desperately needed. The Sooty legend Matthew Corbett makes an appearance playing the part of something I didn't care about because I was shocked that it was him! He's looking older now with his grey hair and he's also put on a bit of weight, but he is still the same old Matthew that we know and love. It's a pity that he didn't want Sooty and that he didn't make a new series himself as in all honesty, he was a thousand times better than Richard is.

I would say if you have younger sibling or relatives, this show is perfect for them. It features some old Sooty routines and is like the Sooty that we grew up with, just modified due to times moving on considerably. But if you are a teenager/adult that still likes Sooty (sadly that is not me) then I suggest you go to YouTube and watch some old school Sooty!

Here's a screenshot of Matthew's cameo and the what the 'gang' looks like now.

In the last famous words of Harry, Matthew and Richard...
"Bye bye everybody, bye bye"

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