Thursday 5 April 2012

The Simpsons - Have we had enough?

Now a lot of my blog followers and readers are probably old enough to remember when The Simpsons was broadcast on the BBC. From 1996 to the early noughties most of us were subjected to the show on BBC 2 at 6pm. It was one of the BBC's most popular shows and it pulled around 3.4 million viewers an episode. But the BBC's contract ran out in 2006 when in 2002 Channel 4 and Channel 5 were both biding against each other to take the show and air it on their channels. Of course, Channel 4 won the bidding war  and they are currently airing the show at 6pm weekdays and at a different time on the weekends. But have we had enough of The Simpsons?

As of me writing this blog, there has been 503 episodes broadcast and 23 seasons created. But surely there is a limit to how much we can enjoy? I'm someone who as a child did not have access to Sky at home so the one episode a night on BBC 2 was perfect for me as I was young and found it funny. But now it seems that we can be subjected to The Simpsons every day. 

As a child I found The Simpsons hilariously funny as the immature humour matched my immature humour, but the appeal is lost to me now and I can't understand why it still appeals to people above the age of 16. Admittedly, I do put it on in the background or watch it when there is simply nothing else to watch on TV, but I simply do not find it funny. Perhaps the introduction of shows like 'Family Guy' and 'American Dad' have helped the downfall to the Simpsons due to the show's adult humour fitting with my age. The shows both feature jokes orientated around somewhat taboo subjects such as race and sexuality which The Simpsons only tend to touch upon rather than having full storylines on them. Humour develops as you get older and mine definitely has changed. I like comedians such as Jimmy Carr who breaks boundaries by telling jokes that we wouldn't dare to think of saying in front of total strangers. But The Simpsons is very different to this.

In my opinion, The Simpsons should be taken off the air before it is too late. Take 'Friends' for example, this was repeated time after time on Channel 4 and E4 and we all got sick and tired of seeing it on the EPG's. If channels want people to continue to enjoy then this show need to stop being produced and also needs to stop airing every day. Hopefully Fox will see that this show can't go on forever and that perhaps sooner or later, the more episodes they bringing out, the less funny it will be.

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